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Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Last week I attended the funeral of the wife of a dear friend of mine…who had passed away after a very strenuous bout of cancer – something I am only too familiar with. It was such an amazing and beautiful… read more
Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions – That May Leave You Disappointed and Depressed

Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions – That May Leave You Disappointed and Depressed

It’s that time of year again, the beginning of a new year when everyone is trying to “reinvent” themselves, making resolutions that should have been made long ago. This is the time that we look to the past to help… read more
Happiness, Love, Health and Life – 12 Ways to Find Authentic Happiness

Happiness, Love, Health and Life – 12 Ways to Find Authentic Happiness

USA Today came out with a study recently finding that “Mental Happiness” improves with age. “Two California researchers say that mental health improves with age; most people get happier as they get older, and those who are older have more… read more
Our World is TOXIC and Polluted- We Are Dying

Our World is TOXIC and Polluted- We Are Dying

  Pollution – Global Warming, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution Ok, Global Warming is the big buzzword of the day, but lets forget the fact that arctic ice is disappearing so rapidly that the region may have its first… read more
Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Whom among us is truly enlightened, and how do we know? How Enlightened are YOU? How do you REALLY know if you are enlightened? Take the Enlightenment Quiz! If you fail miserably, don’t worry, there is hope for you yet…have… read more
Is Christianity Dead? What Happened to Morals, Values, and Faith

Is Christianity Dead? What Happened to Morals, Values, and Faith

Today’s blog was actually meant to be an enlightenment quiz, but instead of providing the quiz in this post, I have decided to showcase an example of the ABSENCE of enlightenment in our world. Conservative Christian groups launched the read more
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"5 stars for sure. I find this book uncomfortably soul searching. It is a workbook in the truest sense. The answers are not graded but come from your innermost being. It is not a \"reading\" book but one that asks questions that you know the answer to but have not wanted to face up to perhaps. I am not working on this on a daily basis but move thru the exercises when I feel ready. It is progressive but meaningfully. Working thru the segments of Time, Illness, Fear, Environment, Reality, Physicality, Death, Finance, etc. takes time and deep thought. The daily mantras and evening meditations are very beneficial. I\'m very grateful to have this book become an integral part of my opening up to a deeper honesty." - Czarnopys Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Seldom is hatred as strong as when it is the result of two people who previously loved each other." - Chernoff - CONNECTION