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What am I worried about?

What am I worried about?

No matter what our “stories” are in life, the truth is that they have only one place they belong in our lives – yesterday. The stories that in some ways may have created us do NOT define us. Each day,… read more
Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Life has a way of presenting us with the very experiences and reflections we require to move forward. I had a fascinating experience this last week that I want to share with you. I purchased a new iMAC and decided… read more
Eight Proven Ways to Succeed With Your New Year Resolutions

Eight Proven Ways to Succeed With Your New Year Resolutions

It’s hard to believe that another year is almost over…but the good news is that a brand new one is about to begin. We all look forward to new beginnings, a chance to right wrongs and perhaps take a second… read more
The Gift of Change, Faith and Action

The Gift of Change, Faith and Action

This is the time of year that we are inundated with holiday parties and the search for thoughtful and meaningful gifts for those we love. This year, do something different – give a gift that will change someone’s life forever.… read more
How Far Would You Travel To Find Meaning In Your Life?

How Far Would You Travel To Find Meaning In Your Life?

I’m going to tell you about an amazing woman who traveled over 1,000 miles to see me…but it wasn’t really about me…it was because of something far greater. She was following her inner guidance, but I’ll get to that in… read more
Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

I recently had a fantastic interview with David McMillan on the Strategies for Living radio show, which was subsequently featured in an article written in the Shreveport Times this week. I thought you might enjoy it so I included them… read more
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"I am so blessed that we were connected as you have truly made such a difference in my life." - Nancy T. Ferrari

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Death supersedes all else when faced with the struggles of our existence." - Chernoff - CONNECTION