A ghostwriter is defined as a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else (Princeton). Why do we live in a world where the talented and the creative sell their work without attribution, and celebrities sell themselves as…
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Every morning when we get up, we have the opportunity to repeat the pitfalls of yesterday, or to start anew. The current state of our life is not a coincidence; it is the refined result of a lifetime of choices.…
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How significant is this moment? Let me provide you with some incredible statistics:
The World is 4.55 billion years old.
In the year 10,000 B.C., there were only 5 million people on earth. By 8,000 B.C., this figure had risen…
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Following our popular post on our TOXIC WORLD and GLOBAL WARMING, until we get our pollution problem under control (which will probably only come from a reduction in capitalism and consumerism), perhaps we can start with what we CAN control,…
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Codependency, Choice, Taking Responsibility and Helping Ourselves
How do we help those who are unwilling to help themselves? When we help those in need, are we in essence enabling them…standing in the way of them taking responsibility for their own…
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Why is it a conflict of interest when someone among us, a religious leader or self-proclaimed “spiritual teacher”, becomes “enlightened” and then charges exorbitant sums of money for their services, often at the expense of the very people they seek…
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