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Pre-Program Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to help Seth prepare for your group so that we can best serve you. Please take a few moments to fully answer all the questions and hit “complete” when you are finished.

Or, you can print this page out and fax it to our offices (303-531-5217). Thanks for your help!

SPECIAL REQUEST: Please add S@SethChernoff.com to your email distribution list that pertains to the event that he is speaking for. If you have printed material on your organization, please forward copies to Seth.

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"It is an inspirational and thought provoking book. It is exceptionally written, easy to follow and practical for anyone searching for their way in life. The Manual For Living Series is a must have for every(one) who wants to grow in their faith, character, and relationship to God." - TCM Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, January 29

"As sure as the sun will rise, people will die, children will be born, and human existence will continue. We say to ourselves “now is the time” and “don’t wait,” but it appears that all we do is put off for tomorrow what we can do today." - Chernoff - CONNECTION